Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. New Reports April’24

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Reports April 2024 Production, Sales, and Export Figures

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. has released its production, sales, and export data for April 2024, showcasing a dynamic performance across various markets and product categories.

1. Nissan Motor Production Overview

April 2024 Production Highlights:

Global Production: Totaled 264,308 vehicles, a 10.1% increase year-on-year. Japan Production: Declined by 9.8% year-on-year, totaling 54,478 vehicles.
Production Outside Japan: Rose significantly by 16.8% year-on-year, reaching 209,830 vehicles.

Year-to-Date (Jan-April 2024) Production:

Global Production: Slight decrease of 2.4%, totaling 1,092,739 vehicles compared to 1,120,014 in the same period of 2023.
Japan Production: Slight increase of 0.2%, with 227,966 vehicles produced.
Production Outside Japan: Decreased by 3.1%, with 864,773 vehicles produced.

Detailed Production Breakdown (April 2024):

Passenger Vehicles: 48,273 vehicles, a 10.0% decline.
Commercial Vehicles: 6,205 vehicles, a 7.9% decline.

Key Markets:
US: 48,947 vehicles, a 7.7% increase.
Mexico: 55,892 vehicles, a significant 51.9% increase.
UK: 26,230 vehicles, a 10.0% increase.
China: 51,844 vehicles, a 9.2% increase.
Others: 26,917 vehicles, a 3.3% increase.

These figures demonstrate a robust increase in production outside Japan, particularly in Mexico, which saw a substantial rise, contributing to the overall growth in global production.

2. Nissan Motor Sales Performance

April 2024 Sales Highlights:

Global Sales: Decreased by 5.7% year-on-year, totaling 243,291 vehicles.
Sales in Japan: Decline by 9.0% year-on-year, totaling 30,054 vehicles.
Sales Outside Japan: Decline by 5.3% year-on-year, totaling 213,237 vehicles.
Year-to-Date (Jan-April 2024) Sales:
Global Sales: Increased by 5.2%, totaling 1,163,629 vehicles.
Sales in Japan: Increased by 0.4%, with 177,866 vehicles sold.
Sales Outside Japan: Increased by 6.2%, with 985,763 vehicles sold.

Detailed Sales Breakdown (April 2024):
Passenger Vehicles in Japan: 16,135 vehicles, a 15.5% decline.
Commercial Vehicles in Japan: 2,756 vehicles, a 10.6% decline.
Mini vehicles in Japan: Increased by 2.9%, totaling 11,163 vehicles.

Key Markets:

US: 75,323 vehicles, a 10.1%decline.
Canada: 7,860 vehicles, a 10.6% decline.
Mexico: 18,176 vehicles, a 20.5% increase.
Europe: 20,408 vehicles, a 10.8% increase.
China: 54,921 vehicles, a 10.4% decline.
Others: 36,433 vehicles, a 3.1% decline.

Despite the overall decline in April, year-to-date sales show a positive trend, with notable increases in North America and Europe.

3. Nissan Motor Export Figures from Japan

April 2024 Export Highlights:

Total Exports from Japan: 33,775 vehicles, a 9.3% decline year-on-year.
Exports to North America: 15,324 vehicles, a 23.5% decline.
Exports to Europe: 7,493 vehicles, a significant 38.1% increase.
Exports to Other Regions: 10,958 vehicles, a 6.9% decline.
Year-to-Date (Jan-April 2024) Exports:
Total Exports from Japan: 132,302 vehicles, a 1.5% increase year-on-year.
The export data reveals a mixed performance, with substantial growth in exports to Europe counterbalanced by declines in other regions.


Nissan’s production and sales figures for April 2024 reflect both challenges and growth opportunities. While there has been a notable decline in Japan and some international markets, significant gains in production and sales in key regions like Mexico and Europe highlight Nissan’s adaptive strategies and market resilience. As the company navigates the dynamic automotive landscape, these insights will guide future innovations and strategic decisions.